Revert - Method

Method to transliterate word back to the original script.

Getting Started

Revert function performs the task of transliteration, back to the original script. This is built on top of indic-transliteration library.

# coding:utf-8
from indicLP.transliterate import Transliterate

hi2ta = Transliterate("hi","ta")

en2hi = Transliterate("en","hi")

text = hi2ta.convert("आदमी")
# Output is ஆதமீ आधमी

text = en2hi.convert("AdamI")
# Output is आदमी AdamI

Input Arguments

Following are the input arguments to be provided while using revert method:

  • data: A string representing the word which has to be reverted back.

Reference Materials

Following are some reference materials for Revert Method